Counted Among the Stars by Connilyn Cossette – Book Review

Counted Among the Stars by Connilyn Cossette – Book Review

Counted Among the Stars by Connilyn Cossette – Book Review

Counted among the stars

The story is about Kiya born to a wealthy father, but by the turn of fortune is sold into slavery by her father who is supposed to protect her. She is then mistreated by the wife of her new master Tekurah, who she later learnt, is her father.


Kiya’s story is set during the era of Israelite slavery when God heard the cry of the Israelites and sent Moses to liberate them. It contains the story of the 12 plagues of Egypt which were used by God to not only liberate the Israelites but also show to Egyptians how powerless their gods were.


Each of the plagues was directed to one or more of their gods. The plague of the frog – Hake the frog goddess could not control the frogs; Basset the goddess of beauty did not protect the Egyptians from boils growing on their bodies; all their healing gods, Isis, Imhotep and Thoth could not heal their bodies; Hapi the god of the Nile could not protect the Nile river from turning into blood; Geb could not staunch the flow of lice; Kehpri did nothing to keep flies from the land; Ptah and Hathor ignored the pleas to protect their livestock and the wind that destroyed the crops in the land; and the god of the afterlife Osiris, could not protect their firstborns.


During Kiya’s slavery, she meets Shira who tells her about her God, Yahweh and how he has come to deliver them. Shira’s friendship with Kiya results in some suffering for her but she endures it to have a friend in Kiya. She also serves as a testimony of the one true God Yahweh. When the plague continues and Shira is not affected, Kiya’s mistress Tekurah releases Shira for fear of her God but this happening begins to make Kiya question the power of the Egyptian gods she has served all her life.


Tekurah continues to mistreat Kiya and is particularly offended when Kiya tells her the truth about her bitterness. She beats Kiya and chains her. Kiya is released by Shefu who asks for her forgiveness and she soon begins to believe what Shira mentioned that Shefu was her father. He helps her by telling her how to protect her brother, a firstborn.


Kiya gets her family to come along and stay with Shira with some persuasion for her mother, which Shefu provided. They stay with Shira for the final plague which made the Egyptians beg the Israelites to leave, giving them their gold and weapons.


The story also explores the Israelite’s journey through the wilderness, God’s faithfulness in parting the red sea, the need for food and thirst, war with Amalekites and God meeting with the Israelites at the foot of the mountain. It also shows how most foreigners that journey with the Israelites out of Egypt were not welcomed by them.


Kiya learns that she can be counted among the stars if she chooses to follow Yahweh, that He listens and He is a God who cares for his people and anyone that calls on his name.

In the end, Kiya find loves in Eben – Shira’s brother who used to hate Egyptians, and they both seek God together.


Lessons learnt from the book

That freedom is a gift and should never be taken for granted  – Kiya never would have thought she would become a slave 

Being kind to everyone because we all have our stories

We can be counted among the stars if we choose to follow Yahweh; that he can make himself known to us if we ask Him.

Get the book from Amazon here


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Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt – Book Review

Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt – Book Review

Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt – Book Review

There are few books in my experience that are so generous in their work that you know that what you are getting probably took the authors years to figure out but you got in few hours of reading Your best year ever fit that category so well.
What is the book all about – Goal setting but in a much greater dimension.
Having your best year ever is about the goals you set , the goals you set have a direct impact of the type of life you have and the book teaches you how to set  them but it more than just a goal setting book it is a life changing process and experience.
One of the first things you will learn when reading the book is the life is more than the work we do there is more to us than work these are our domains our life.
We need to be aware of the various domain and how interrelated  they are and how they all matter.
 Some of the domain mentioned in the book are;
  1. Spiritual- This is your connection to God
  2. Intellectual- This is your engagement with significant ideas
  3. Emotional – This is about your psychological health
  4. Physical- This is about your bodily health
  5. Marital -This is based on your spouse or significant other (if applicable)
  6. Parental -This is based on your children if you have any
  7. Social – These are your friends and associates
  8. Vocational -This is your profession
  9. Avocation -These are your hobbies and pastime
  10. Financial -This is about your personal or family finance
Every domain matters – each one affects the others.
So the first thing you learn is to make sure your goals cover some of this areas especially the areas where you have the lowest points in.
The book is then divided into 5 steps each with it own lesson and teaching.

Step 1 – Believe the possibilities

There was a phrase from the book and I paraphrase what if all your dreams could come to pass what would a year look like with all your dream having come to pass.
Personally for the first time I realized that more than anything what I believed was possible for me was holding me down more than anything else.
I learnt that in reality there were no impossible goals only ones you are yet to achieve yet.
What if your dreams were all possible?
Another major lesson learnt from this first step was the sources of this belief how it not just enough to know you have a limiting belief but also try and identify it source It could be experiences  while growing up, social media ,negative relationships  etc but knowing the source is important as it helps you identify how to stop it’s continued influence in your life.
Another key lesson was how to deal with the limiting belief by replacing them with liberating truth  he gives steps on how to do this.

Step 2 – Complete the past

We can’t complete the past until we acknowledge what we already experienced An experience is not complete until it is remembered.
Simply put our past is affecting our lives and to understand it influence we need to complete it by understanding what happened.
There are so many benefits to looking to the past but a major one is it gives you agency to understand who you are better I believe knowing your past stories gives you the clarity to move forward with your life in a way that it no longer hold you bound anymore.
Completing the past when it relates to goal setting is important, we are taught a process used in the US military called “The After fact review” which outline five majors stages when reflecting on your past.
Stage 1 – Was to state what you wanted to happen
Stage 2 – Acknowledge actually happened
Stage 3- learn from the experience
Stage 4 – Adjust your behavior
We also learnt the value of regrets and gratitude- how regret are not always bad but show us opportunities we can take advantage of.

Step 3 – Design your future

Great result don’t just happen you don’t usually drift to a destination you would have chose.
Instead you have to be intentional force yourself to get clear on what you want and why it is important and then pursue a plan of action that accomplished your objectives
This section was meat of the book it was all about the goal setting process and I learnt that great goals check 7 boxes is – the SMARTER framework.
Specific – it must be concise, not vague you should know when you have achieved it an example of vague goals can be to write a book, a better goal is to say write a book on X topic by June 20XX.
Measurable – A simple explanation for this is that there is a criteria for success you can tell if you are making progress towards the goal.
Actionable – This talks about the things you are going to do, what are the actions you will be taking.
Risky – This is all about setting goals that are not comfortable or easy but stretch you to become a better person.
Time Keyed – There has to be a deadline or frequency to the goals you set – and they should not all be 31st of December spread it throughout the year.
Exciting – You have to passionate about your goals, this is about you wanting to achieve it and also enjoy doing so.
Relevant – This relates to the seasons of your life being aware of restrain and opportunities they might pose on your goals and also making sure there is alignment among your goal that none of them is contradicting.
Another lesson learnt here was the difference between Achievement goals and Habit goal  – Habit goal were more of daily progression , having streaks and frequency attached to them , achievement on the other hand were more of one time milestones or point of success you want to get to you neither meet it or you don’t, the main thing was to know the right mix between the two types of goals and when to use them.
I also learnt on the different place a goal can be set which are comfort zone  (usually too easy ), discomfort zone  (this is the right place because they stretch you and it is risky) and lastly delusional zone  (most times goal set here are impossible to being fulfilled) knowing the difference in our goal pursuit help us greatly in planning our next action step.

Step 4 – knowing your why

This step was all about mastering your motivation especially when we hit the messy middle of life when we are tired and want to give up.
I learnt that it not enough to set goals that meet the SMARTER framework I needed to know why I was setting those goals.
Our WHAT (the goals we set need ) need a WHY
 Understanding why you want to achieve the goal is important because it keeps you motivated to continue when you do not have the will power to go on, reading out those reason will reconnect you to the goal once more in a more emotional level.
I also learnt how we can keep our motivation to achieve our goal by doing life with others and not in isolation this can look in forms of accountability group , close friends , coaching etc but overall when we have people close to us who encourage us and motivate us the tendency to achieve our goals become higher,

Step 5 – Making happen

A lesson learnt here is that setting the goal is just half the work done actually making it happen by the actions we take was another half of the equation.

How do we do this?

By doing easiest part first and identifying our  next action step which should be in areas of comfort , how if we break down every goal there are step by step thing we can do to achieve it we shouldn’t wait for the whole stairway or know everything step before we act but how by taking one step per time was all that was needed.
Getting outside help – this could be in form of getting a coach reading a book getting mentors or group coaching but one main key point to realize is that whatever we want to achieve someone has done it before so we dont have to start from scratch.
Lastly was to commit to act – a quote in the book bring this more life
Scottish mountain climber W. H. Murray put it this way: “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creativity, there is one elementary truth . . . that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.
Another point in the book was creating action triggers that were in themselves not the goal but help you automatically follow through with the goal. An example could be setting your gym cloth the night ahead , going to a certain room your mind associate with a thing.
Lastly I learnt the value of review  – the place of daily , weekly and quarterly goals and how keeping your goal in focus is probably one of the biggest factors missing in many goals setting process we set the goal once and we forget it and allow it to catch dust somewhere.
 A constant review helps you know which goals you have achieved , which needs more work , which need to be reviewed or change , which need to be deleted because they are not serving you and which should be replaced.
Micheal Hyatt’s book – Your best year ever is a masterpiece that not only teaches you about goal setting but literally can be one key factors why you get to have your best year ever.
I am a living witness of it transformation in my life not only have I made a commitment to read the book every year but it has so far given me the tools I need to constantly make each year my best yet.
I hope you get the book – you can get it via Amazon below.


 Please note it is an affiliate link the price on the amazon doesn’t change if you want to get it there directly I only get a bonus if you get it through link  (Thanks in advance).

Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy – Book Review

Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy – Book Review

Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy – Book Review

Living Forward

.”Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want”, is to me, a timeless book with so many nuggets, and honestly trying to contain it in a review doesn’t feel complete but I will start with a quote from the book.


The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you are not going to stay where you are – J. P. Morgan


If I was to summarize the biggest lesson I got from reading this book, it would be that it simply enabled me to create a life plan, a concert document that will continue to help set the stage for what I want in my life; making every moment of my life intentionally set towards achieving the life I want.


One of the biggest things we need to acknowledge and be truthful to ourselves about is the need to know if we are living the life we want to live or living someone else’s plans for our life. We need to acknowledge the drift and know that it is never too late to change our lives to become all we want it to become.

One of the lessons the authors keep on pointing out is that self-leadership always precedes team leadership and a life plan can be one of the most powerful tools to help you best lead yourself.

A life plan helps you become an active participant in your life, intentionally shaping your future.


But why do you need a life plan you might wonder – the authors gives some benefits


  1. Clarifying priorities

Having a life plan helps clarify your priorities. You begin to realize that work isn’t your whole life it is only one aspect; an important one but not the exclusion of everything else.


  1. Maintaining balance

A life plan helps you maintain balance in your life, however, the author made me realize that balance does not mean applying equal resources to every area of life. Balance only happens in dynamic tension (unclear). Balance is not giving equal but appropriate attention to each of the various categories of your life. This will necessarily mean that some categories get more time and some less, but each will get the attention and resources necessary to keep it moving towards an intentional outcome.


  1. Filtering opportunities

This enables us to have the ability to say yes to what truly matters and no to almost everything else.


  1. Facing reality

You can’t get where you want to go unless you start with where you are; You can’t improve what you won’t face and own.


  1. Envisioning the future

What do you want in each major categories of your life what would they look like in their ideal state? Pull power – your goal needs to draw you.


  1. Avoiding regrets

People lose their way when they lose their why.


So what then you might ask, is a life plan?


A life plan is a short written document, usually eight to fifteen pages long. It is created by you for you. It describes how you want to be remembered. It articulates your personal priorities. It provides the specific actions necessary to take you from where you are to where you want to be in every major area of your life. It is most of all, a living document that you will tweak and adjust as necessary, for the rest of your life


Questions a life plan makes us think about are

1. How do I want to be remembered?

2. What matters most?

3. How can I from here, get to where I want to be?


How do we create a life plan?

There are 5 major steps in creating a life plan


Step one: Write your eulogy 

All external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things fall away in the face of death leaving only what is truly important – Steve Jobs

The end usually determines everything else – the characters you include in your story, the roles they play in your life (and you in theirs), the projects you initiate and the way you conduct your affairs.

The first step is writing out your eulogy like it was being read today.

A Eulogy is a good word about your life

People will tell stories about you and express to others what you truly meant to them. Imagine you could attend your funeral and listen in to those conversations.

What would those closest to you remember about your life what would they say?

What stories would they tell one another?

Would those stories make them laugh, cry, sigh or all three?

How would they summarize what your life meant to them?

Our days add up to a lifetime and what we do each day counts to what people will remember us for. But the good news is, you can still influence the conversation that will happen once you are gone.


A sub-step is to write a legacy statement 

Our legacy comprises the spiritual, intellectual, relational, vocational and social capital we pass on. It is the sum total of the beliefs we embrace, the values we live by, the love we express and the service we render to others. It is the ‘you shaped stamp’ you leave when you go. The truth is everyone is in the process of creating and leaving a legacy. The question is not will you will a legacy, but what kind of legacy will you leave?


So, the goal is to approach step 1 like a 2-step process.

The first, write your eulogy as if it were being read today;

The second step is to craft a series of legacy statements as you would hope they would be read at some point in the future.


To create your legacy statement, identify your key relationships

The important thing to note is that these people represent the groups you can still influence. As long as they and you are alive, you can have a positive impact.

Describe how you want to be remembered by each group.

Make your legacy statement as compelling as you can


Step 2: Establish your life account  

Your life account is made up of three concentric circles emanating from the centre – you.

  1. The circle of being – relates to you it includes your spiritual, intellectual and physical account.
  2. The circle of relating -centres on you in relation to others. It includes your marital, parental and social account(e.g friendship, church, book club and so on)
  3. Circle of doing – dealings relating to your output. It includes your vocation (job), avocation (hobbies) and your financial account.

A typical life account can include


Your faith






Hobbies etc.

You can personalize and customize your list so it works well for you and try to keep it under 10 accounts


Step 3: Determine the condition of your account 

The goal here is thinking of your life account as a bank account and reviewing its balance.

Some accounts can be growing – you have more than you need

Some accounts have a consistent balance – you have what you need

Some accounts have a declining balance – you have less than you need


There are four main conditions your account might be experiencing

Drift – this is a state of no passion, no progress

Lift – this is a state of having passion, but not experiencing progress

Shift – this is a state of experiencing progress without passion

Gift – the state of experiencing both passion and progress


The goal is to have positive balance in each of your life accounts. People have a positive balance when they experience Passion and Progress

Passion relates to your enthusiasm for a specific life account,

Progress relates to the result you are getting in a specific life account.

The point is your life is a collection of accounts and each of them requires the right attention.

If you are finding it difficult to give an appropriate score or category for each of your life accounts, the author created a life assessment test to help you on this go to click on HERE to take the test.



Step 4: Prioritize your life account 

In this step, I learnt that having priorities is essential, and so is having them in the right order.

Arrange your life accounts in priority, from the most important to the least important – all of them are important but not all of them have the same importance.

Ranking your life account forces you to decide what takes precedence if push comes to shove and shoving will happen guaranteed

Ask what is the most important account on my list? what is the one I would not be willing to sacrifice no matter what?

And remember that You can’t take care of anyone else unless you first take care of yourself so put yourself and your self-care as one of the first accounts.


Step 5: Create the Life Plan by filling out each life account 

How do you do this? You complete 5 key areas for each life account you selected earlier. For each account you will;

1.Draft a purpose statement  that identifies your roles and responsibility in this account

2. Envision a future you want for this account; use present tense and write down what that looks like

3. Include an inspiring quote or verse that helps you connect emotionally with your purpose and the future you envisioned

4. State your current reality – good, bad or ugly. The more honest you are, the easier it is to see what needs to change

5. Finally, make specific commitments that detail the actions you need to take from your current reality to your envisioned future -Using the SMARTER principles (read more here)

And viola!!!  — You have your life plan to help you get a concrete example. I would share my life account on what I title my physical health and body (this is as at May 2020)

Purpose statement

To be a healthy me every day to take proper stewardship of this body God has given me in every area

My envisioned future

I am never sick ever

I have strength and vitality every day

My skin is radiant and beautiful

My hair is growing daily with no dandruff

My tummy is flat and I can wear lovely bikinis

I have beautiful white teeth

I exercise daily

I only eat healthy meals and snack on fruit

I take lots of water I love water

I meditate daily and practise mindfulness and gratitude

I go on sabbaticals every 7th week and 7th year


My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I am a steward of God’s temple.

Current realities

I am not eating a balanced diet (I don’t even fully know what a balanced diet is)

I currently exercise every day

I still have some signs of pain

I don’t sleep enough

I haven’t had a sabbatical

I struggle to find time for meditation and mindfulness

I like water but it’s still a struggle

I take fruits regularly now

My teeth, hair, body need more work to be done; seeing progress but more work yet in these areas

Specific commitment

Finish Shaw Academy course on Nutrition. Google and study what a balanced diet is before December 2020

Continue to study divine health

Go and wash my teeth – book a dental appointment

Continue to use hair and skin products bought

Sabbatical  – start a one-day sabbatical

Sleep by 11 am, wake up by 6 am (Thanks to COVID 19 )

I hope my example helped you get it


To create this plan the author suggests dedicating one full day. Personally speaking, you should do this because it takes a lot of energy and concentration and you don’t want to start and continue at another time, there is a flow that just happens when you can start and finish it. So, yes. Dedicate one day to creating your life plan.


After the Life Plan what next? 

After creating your life plan the next thing you need to do is implement and review it continuously


How do you implement it?

  1. Triage your calendar

With regards to your calendar, triage means you must know which things you can safely cancel or reschedule and which ones demand your participation

Protect the basic -Review your current appointments and ask how they relate to your life account priorities

Eliminate the non-essentials. Realize things that are not really important and cancel them or see how you can handle them another way

Reschedule some of what matters – some things are important but are not important now.

  1. Schedule your priorities

The goal here is not to have fewer commitment but the right commitment

Two tools to achieving this –

  1.  Ideal week
  2. Annual time block

Your ideal week is the week you would like if you could control 100 per cent of what happens

Ensure each day has a theme and each day is also segmented according to a specific focus area


Your Annual time block

This tool enables you to put the big rocks into your calendar first so the important is not overwhelmed by the urgent. The best way to do this is to claim your calendar before someone else does

Begin by scheduling the most non-discretionary things and move to the most discretionary things like birthdays and anniversaries. Other things you can schedule are; holidays, industry events, vacations, board meeting, business review meeting, time with friends, etc.

The main thing is to grab dates while you can before someone else does. We would rather have other people plan around our priorities than be forced to plan around theirs. Remember if you don’t have a plan for your life someone else does


  1. Learn to say no with grace

He teaches a concept he learnt from a book called ‘A Positive No’ by William Ury

A positive no begins with a ‘Yes’ and ends with a ‘Yes, here’s how it’ll work’

Yes – it begins by saying yes to yourself and protecting what is important to you. We would add the importance of affirming the person making the request

No- it continues with a matter of fact no that sets clear boundaries we recommend. You avoid leaving the door open by saying maybe next time

Yes – a positive no ends with a Yes that affirms the relationship and offers another solution to the person’s request.


How do you keep it alive?  – You review it 

The secret to staying atop of your priorities is to schedule regular times for review and reflection.

1. Start by reading your plan daily – For the first 90 days read out loud your life plan

2. Review your plan weekly

3. Tweak your quarterly plan – It is like an extended weekly review where you have two main agenda


  1. Review your life plan – read through it without editing then begin the revision process
  2. Write goals for the upcoming quarter

Take the review of your life plan and translate it into specific 90 days goals or objectives

Making appointments with yourself and scheduling other things around them is the key to proactive self-management

  1. Revise your plan yearly

This is the Time to take an extended look at your plan. Evaluate what you have accomplished over the past year and determine where you want to go in the next


The next thing is spreading this idea to your teams, family and the people in your life

To end this review you need to know that the power is in your hand. You have been given a great gift – your life.  What will you do with it?

Let us endeavour to live so that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry – Mark Twain

You can get the book from Amazon here

** The link above is an affiliate link – meaning when you buy through the link I get a small percentage

Book Review  – Discovery Call Magic by DJ Sobanjo

Book Review – Discovery Call Magic by DJ Sobanjo

Discovery magic call is one book that has left a lasting impression on me especially as it relates to my online business client acquisition process. Why you might ask? well, I am going to give you a brief review of some of the main points I learnt while reading the book.

But before that, I just wanted to note one of the reasons why I like this book and I highly recommend. It is a very practical book like if you have ever wanted to know what to do on a discovery call which is by far the highest method for converting a high-end client then this book will show you how in practical steps from the process set up to the conservation you are to have to even what to say – it literally broken down for you. I don’t think it can get any more practical than this.

What stood out for me – points that created a mental shift for me are the following

The definition of what a discovery call is which defined by DJ Sobanjo  is a conversation with a qualified prospect that helps them become a client or a customer


The words highlighted are purposeful – this is supposed to be a conversation meaning It is a two-way thing and like my sister noted one day while listening to my supposed discovery call if you are talking too much there is a problem it has definitely moved from a conversation to you neither coaching or doing something different altogether but definitely not a discover call.


But what caught me on about this definition is the second part a qualified lead. It was actually while I read this book that I realized that there was a difference between a lead and a prospect I always thought they were the same, for me it looked like this – get people in through a lead generation funnel and then speak to them but I was so wrong getting people into your funnel is just part one of the steps you have to find ways to qualify them to become prospects.

It is only after qualifying them that they qualify for your discovery call  (I am sorry for using too many q- word aka qualify, do bear with me), but realizing this alone was worth the price of the book there were two methods mentioned on how to qualify leads you should get the book to get the full gist.

The next thing that stood out for me is that you help the prospect become a client – you don’t sell to them you help them – this involves a total mental shift and as Zig Ziglar says you will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want the same is true during a discovery call you are not looking to sell to them you are looking to help them get what they want through your solutions.

You are not looking at people as number but as people who have a goal, some aspiration that you have the solution to for – this mental shift is subtle but it can mean the reason why you tell a prospect that you are not a good fit for them at the moment for which they will respect you for being honest or you try to get their money hoping that your solution would help them which they later find out won’t and totally hate you for it.

Apart from this definition of what a discovery call is another thing I learnt is understanding how fear can hinder your discovery call. He explained that fear can show itself in three main ways
  1. You tell your prospect too much information that they think they can do it without you which they can’t
  2. You withhold information hoping your prospect would really want to know more so that they can buy your product which they might not
  3. Or lastly, once your prospect tells you an area of challenge you hit them hard by selling to them not helping them which gets them scared and they don’t buy.

If there is one confession I would make it is that I have done all three and realizing this makes me know what the source is – FEAR. The easiest way to deal with fear is to, first of all, know what you are fearful of and then face it – fear really is an illusion.

Like this was not enough this book goes on to tell you why customer buy which is simply – BELIEF

It really funny when I think of the four-belief shared in this book as I reflect on the things I have purchased I see that they resonate. What are the four beliefs your prospect needs to have
  1. Belief in their dreams – your client needs to dream again they need to believe they can write that book, lose that weight, whatever it is they need to dream again.
  2. Belief in themselves – they need to see themselves being able to do it, that where your story comes in
  3. Belief in you – they need to know you can help them get there, that you have done it before and can do it again for them.
  4. Belief in your process – they need to believe that your process can get them from where they are to where they need to be in a simple and convenient manner

If you really want the full gist of these beliefs you should get the book Here

Another thing I learnt was what to do before the discovery call – how I needed to establish authority, what questions to ask, how to prepare, the things to do during the discovery call what to say, how to respond to certain objection etc.

The reality is that this book is a total solution to a lot of coaches, speaker and consultant whose major income originates from having discovery calls it gives a detailed blueprint and I truly believe that anyone who reads this book will definitely start having a better discovery call result.

What are you waiting for go get the book via this link and while you are at it also check out some of the amazing bonuses added – plus also check out the training course that accompanies the book which gives deeper insight than the book could ever do!

So, tell me what is your biggest takeaway from this book review and would you be getting the book?




***Please note that the when you purchase the book you help support my writing as it is an affiliate link thank you

Book Review – Finding Grace by Seun Yewande Williams

Book Review – Finding Grace by Seun Yewande Williams

My Journey to Finding Grace – the reason why I wrote Finding grace

When did I have an encounter with Grace you might ask – during my service Year.

I finished school and was excited to be leaving Lagos state for my NYSC deployment.

After graduation, I set for my National service, and since I didn’t hustle to change my state of deployment I was sent to Edo state.

In my quest for prayers to protect me throughout my stay in Edo state, I visited my father-in-the-Lord and bam! I was warned of the grace message.

He warned me to watch out for those people that preached grace, that God was a consuming fire and I would be punished by Him (God) whenever I did wrong.

With that in mind (fortified and ready), I did set out for Edo state.

But you know the irony of having a good Father like our God, just when you think you know all the answers, He starts letting you know “girl, you don’t have it all correct” –and that’s just what happened.

The first friend I made, spoke to me about ‘God’s grace’ and I was like huh? “I reject you in Jesus name!” I can recall how much we argued on a particular day on the subject That I said; “…can’t we agree to disagree on this matter what’s your issue?” …but persistence always wins.

While the first person who talked to me about grace wasn’t the one who got me listening, he certainly sowed the seed; after all, I still believed my bible and when someone keeps on referring to the same bible, I was like “you know what, I will check it up”, and that’s what I did.

It’s funny (and remarkable) how after some searching of the scriptures, pushed by another friend and digesting lots of messages, I came to a realization of how wrong I was and how misleading my spiritual fathers were as regard ‘Grace’.

Although with good intentions, so as to protect me from the luke-warm, sitting-on-the-fence preaching, my ‘fathers’ failed to personally search out this truth from the scriptures before passing judgment or maybe they knew the truth but didn’t think I could handle it.

I realized some truths during this season of my life.

I learned to put God’s word above others. And the more I did this, the more every doctrine I held dear kept crashing down.

I began to understand how those motives are more important to God than action.

I also realized that serving God is the consequence of a relationship with my father and not a result of doctrinal-duty. God isn’t a taskmaster He is a good father!

But why write Finding Grace?

Finding Grace is a novel that helps you understand what grace means it is my story of what grace means and it can be yours also.

When I thought of writing a book on grace (Based on my new knowledge and experience) I started with a blank page what was it going to be all.

But where do I begin? So, I started with a question

Where does the knowledge of grace come from?

You see I have come to realize their three-ways of seeing things

  1. One formed out of ignorance — you simply don’t know – the cure is to get knowledge on it.
  2. One formed from wrong knowledge. You know but what you know is wrong — you need to remove the wrong belief first before putting in a new one; people call this relearning.
  3. One formed from the right information.

Well for Grace, it was a topic of relearning a lot of things for me especially since I thought I knew it. When it comes to spiritual truth a lot of us allow people we look up to, to define what we believe and while this in itself isn’t wrong, what if they are wrong? what if they are not totally right?

I learned that as any subject people can always take it overboard or use their ignorance on the topic to form an opinion that is wrong, most times they do it from a sincere heart but I would rather they said nothing on the topic than give wrong impressions. The only solution to this issue, in reality, is to take God’s word as the final say beyond any man’s word.

We do assume we do. But in our daily lives is this true?

When I started studying what grace was, I must confess I had to turn several times to look at the cover page of my bible to be sure I was reading the Word of God it was so plainly stated there that I couldn’t believe what I had been previously told (of course those verses had been taken out of context).

So, while I am still on the journey to know all about God I must say finding what grace is has helped me and trust me Grace isn’t an exhaustive topic. Grace is Jesus personified, Grace is the way we get things from God. The understanding of Grace is never really a full stop it all commas.

So, to you I say how do you find Grace — Read the Word of God (especially the book of Romans) and ask God for more understanding on it and while you are at it, you can also read my novel on it.

I wrote Finding Grace as a novel because I like to read novels and some of the greatest truth I have encountered came from novels – where I saw myself in the shoes of those characters and those impressions created a lasting memory for me.

I want readers to see themselves in Titi’s story – I want them to feel her pains and understand her life, why she was doing the things she did and also find God grace as she did.

A novel can never be a substitute for the bible but I hope by reading Finding Grace you get closer to God.

To get the first five chapters free click on this link and you will go to a page that gives you the necessary directions to have a copy.

I truly desire that everyone encounter God grace because it has the power to radically change your life forever.


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