- Vision – vision means to see, your journey to destiny begins at salvation, you are born to fulfil a particular course – the discovery is vision; there are visions for an individual, a group of people and there is even a vision for nations.
Ministry is carrying out a divine assignment. Everyone assigned to carry out a divine task is a minister
Vision is a divine insight into God’s plan the pursuit of it is what called a ministry
A dream is not a vision but it can be communicated to you according to your level of comprehension.
- Every vision must come from God, ambition is man-made; it a God revealed plan, a vision is sought for and acquired by man; A vision is a specific task assigned to an individual by God
Ascertain your area
The time element – it not necessary the time God calls you that you must begin to execute it
The source of a vision speaks loudest at the end; if it is God the good fruit will be made manifest vice versa
- Securing a vision — genuine vision comes from God but man has to play a part in it
Realize your need to know your vision
See God willingness to reveal his plan
Seek God in prayer
Be watchful – very often spiritual truths are sent as tiny seeds that can be ignored if one is not watchful
- Proving a vision -Tools for proving
God word is the only authentic tool to prove a vision; when you receive a vision illuminate your spirit in God’s word for backing before you step out by doing so you have the double assurance that it is from God, as God will only back what He says.
Identify the personality behind the voice
Ascertain the content of your vision – be inquisitive about your vision ask him everything up to the minutest detail.
Things to guard against
People confirmation
Look unto God alone and he will verify your vision for you
The Acid test for a genuine vision — PEACE Psalm85:8
- Spiritual sensitivity – the believer who will matter in this end time is he who is led by the Holy Spirit, hearing God’s voice is not a gift but a birthright
Quietness – practice quietness on the inside and outside
Worship – psalm and hymns good instrument of worship
Meekness – coming to God on the platform of nothingness, coming to God devoid of your so-called knowledge
- The place of planning — PROVERB 24:3-4
- The appointed time – this determined by God Alone
- The appointed place – the whole earth is for God but God has an appointed place for you, your place could be a place, person or a mission each one constitute a location.
- The pursuit of a vision—nothing will happen to a vision that you do nothing about; Action is the proof of faith
For every vision, there is a provision. God will not reveal a plan without the resources to match. This is why I believe that every vision a man has received of the lord he has within himself what it takes to accomplish it.
Your gift –what makes a gift of God it is neither the strength nor smartness of a man but the gift of God. 1 Cor 1:26-29
Vision is not television don’t just watch it
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