by Seun Yewande Williams | Aug 10, 2017 | Life lessons and Others
Have you ever wonder what it would be like to really know what you are supposed to do
Well, I have ;
Personally, I have spent a whole lot of my time trying to know what I am about, what was unique about me and who I was as an individual and to be honest after all the research do I have all the answers – No – Well a bit of it but definitely not everything
One thing I have realized is that the journey of self-discovery is a continuous one – you never really arrive you just leave
So why bother to start the process you might ask? – well to live a really good and fulfilled life you need come from a place of purpose and clarity. Your everyday life needs to come from an area of certainty this knowing that what you are doing fit into your whole picture – a man without a purpose is really not fit to live.
It okay at first not to know what you are all about I call this the area of uncertainty but sooner or later you need to get clarity staying stuck in uncertainty not only allow you doubt yourself it also creates compromises in your life that do not reflect your true value
One of the strongest quotes that have driven my life is by Socrates “to thy own self be true” to be true to yourself you need to know who you are
Self-discovery process
The best method I know towards knowing who you are is simply to ask yourself questions; but not just any question soul seeking, self-finding question – sometimes you stumble on them but more often than not you need help getting to ask the right question.
And then don’t just settle for the answer you get – keep asking WHY until the answers stop changing then you know the source, then you know the motive of your action
Do you want to live your life on purpose then begin your journey towards self-discovery?
Top ten self-discovery question to ask today
- What do I want from my life?
- What kind of life do I want to live?
- What am I passionate about?
- What is my message?
- What are my talent, gifting and special abilities?
- What experiences or skills do I have?
- What can I do for free every day of my life?
- Who am I passionate about helping?
- Who will value my services and product?
- Who needs my help?
by Seun Yewande Williams | Aug 4, 2017 | Life lessons and Others
Ever wondered if life is passing you by and you are wondering what can I do to make the best of today?
Well, the answer really is to live in the present and not just living in the present for the sake of it but doing so very intentionally.
So exactly does it mean to live in the present?
Ever heard the saying your past is gone, well that is so true there is really nothing you can do to change the past, it is gone forever and won’t be coming back anything soon.
Also, have ever realized that try as much as you want to your future is not fully 100% under your control. If we could control the happenings in our lives that won’t be living anymore would it?
One thing we all know and should at some point come to accept is the uncertainties that life comes with.
One of the awesome things about knowing and accepting this about your past and future is that it helps you realize what the present is.
The present is today, it is this moment you have right now
There is never going to be anymore period in your life in which you ever be your absolute best than in the present
So instead of looking at who to blame for the happenings in the past or planning away all your moments for the future. why not learn how to make effective use of this moment you have now? Let me show 3 ways to do that
3 effective ways to live in the present
- Learn to forgive the people who have hurt you in the past, learn to let go of the hurt you might be feeling deep inside. Learn to forgive.
As I usually say you don’t always have to feel the emotions of forgiveness, you just have to decide to – you might need to forgive some people 100 times before you feel any joy toward them but don’t stop till you reach that place of peace.
- Learn self-love and self-acceptance – no matter who we are we and what we might have achieved we usually still expect so much more from ourselves.
One of the best things I have learnt to do is to say out loud “I love me” with all my faults and weakness, with all my issues (who doesn’t have one)
Well why don’t you try that out you might find tremendous power from it
- Act and live daily from a place of purpose. My most effective solution here is to set goals in alignment with what you want from your life. From a place of being certain of what we want.
We all can start from a place of uncertain but we must never stay there. So, in the search of self-discovery and if you need help on how and why goal setting entails. Why not sign up for the free email online course here
So, tell me are you going to start living in the present and what struggles do you have doing this? Post this on the comment section
by Seun Yewande Williams | Jul 27, 2017 | Life lessons and Others
Whenever we set our goals, how can we know for sure that we would achieve it, that we are not just writing words or desires that may never come to pass? this is what I hope to answer today.
When we set our goal 90% of the time we rarely test it. I remember a particular goal I set most of my university days that I never achieved. I remember writing a goal to earn a million naira and never could understand why at the end of each year I didn’t achieve it – it wasn’t realistic.
Using SMART analysis is by far one of the best methods I know to achieve your goals
So what is SMART
S stands for Specific
M stands for Measurability
Stands for Attainable
R stands for Realistic
T stands for Time-bound
By filtering our goal through SMART, we end up knowing if we are setting ourselves up for disappointment or not, how does this really look in reality
Being Specific
Is your goal narrow or broad?
For instance, a goal which says to make lots of money isn’t specific but instead if I say to make 100,000 now that amount is very specific.
Another would be to write a novel finish – this is broad
Can I measure it
For instance, saying I want to increase my income monthly isn’t measurable you need to say I want to increase my money by 30,000 this month now we can know if you did and by how much you increased it
Can your goal be seen as completed? When I think of attainment a common mistake I see people make is writing goals they can’t clearly answer if it is attained
To be more fit
How can you tell when you have achieved this it would have been better if stated to do 20 sit up every morning – now that can be known when it is attained
Is the goal possible? One common mistake is to craft a goal that is totally not dependent on you and base your level of success on it that is a disaster waiting to happen?
A classic example would be to get married by December 2017, Except God intervenes this might happen to be a goal that may not happen
For me setting a goal to earn a million naira without no plan on doing it and with the current level of my expertise was unrealistic.
I published my book Finding Grace on the 1st of February 2017. But one thing I must say that helped me achieve this was telling myself my book was going live on the 1st of February No matter what. it must be the same for you too if you want to achieve your goals, you must set a deadline even a time frame, else the tendency to procrastinate would be there
Action point
Set your goal using the SMART analysis and see what is wrong and right about it.
by Seun Yewande Williams | Jul 20, 2017 | Life lessons and Others
What is Goal Setting
When most of us think of goals we immediately relate it to our do list
And while some of our goals might take the form of to-dos or project, goals are bigger than that, Goals are the foundation on which our dreams will come through.
And while someone might wonder why I would make such a statement. Let me explain for instance if one of my dreams is to publish a book. The way I would be able to fulfil this dream is if I am able to set a goal to finish my book, meaning I put a deadline, creates commitment and plans that work in line with this dream
If we’re to just create a to-do that involves writing what might happen is that after a month we might as well have written nothing that could be brought together to form a book this is the result of actions without direction.
What is a goal
A goal is a predetermined achievement, dream or desire accompanied with the right tools and plans to get there.
While this definition might seem broad a closer look in itself explain what it means a predetermined achievement – this talks of clarity of purpose and direction, something that is known, there is really no goal if it cannot be said in the clearest of terms what it is going to achieve for the individual.
The right tools here mean more than machinery, it also means people, the right mindset, visual reminders, this and more are what the right tools mean
The plans – is really is where the goals are set into motion. Also, where feedback and reviews are carried out.
How do you set your goal
I believe there are two places we set our goals from
- A place of uncertainty
- A place of certainty
We all (and I mean everyone) at one point in time crafted our goal from what we think we wanted out of life we didn’t know what life we wanted all we knew was we wanted to achieve this and this and this — that is a place of uncertainty
And then we come to a place of certainty – which occurs when we place ourselves in the process of self-discovery. Discovery of oneself (or as I like to call it Finding Me) usually takes time but once we know who we are as individuals what we want from our lives the goal we set from then henceforth is coming from that place of deep-seated conviction, that this is what we are made for.
So, to conclude here are some few actions I would like for you take note of when setting your goals
Ask yourself these questions and do document the answers as much as you can
Self-Discovery Question
- Who am I
- What do I want from my life
- What are my dreams in life
- What do I want to achieve with my life
- Why do I want what I want from my life
- Why do I have these dreams
- Why? Why? Why?
by Seun Yewande Williams | Jul 13, 2017 | Life lessons and Others
Finding what one is passionate about sometimes looks like a hurdle.
You begin to wonder what is that one thing I really like above all else
What am I passionate about?
And sometimes the answers might come easily for you or it might take days but on its own is not enough to know if you are truly passionate about something.
To truly find what you are passionate about – you have to practice it out, you have to test it out. We all have ideas of what we think we might like but have we really tried it for an extended period of time and really it
You might like the idea of being a best-selling author but have you spent the time writing day in day out and truly like the experience.
You might like the idea of being a tailor but have you started cutting dresses and sewing. Do you really like it
One pitfall we might enter is to think because we don’t like it at the initial stage we might like it later on – I don’t believe this would happen. You really need to give yourself honest feedback.
Would you face challenges? Yes, would there be setbacks? Yes. But in all this, you want to experience it in a business you love and enjoy doing.
So here are my top questions for finding what you are passionate about
Good Questions to me are the bedrock upon which answers and knowledge can be found.
- If I could one thing for the rest of my life what would it be?
- What is my message?
- What activity do I do that makes me feel happy the most?
- What do I want from my life?
- What job or activities would I do for free?
- What would be my legacy?
- What changes do I want to see in the world?
- What could I have done better in this area (could you have written the book better then we need you to write)?
- If my life was written as a story what experience have I encountered that could help someone?
- Who do I want to become?
Do you have more than one answer to this – no problem – start with one and see if after practising it for 3 months you really enjoy it, if not scrap it out of the list you have generated.
If it is a yes and it is still more than one – ask yourself
Which will give me the biggest financial gain (if meeting a financial need is very importnat for you right now)
Which would give me the personal fulfilment (if you already have your needs met and want to just figure out what next to do)
The Journey to Clarity takes time sometimes but it is very worth it.
What changes do you foresee that you might have to make very soon in respect to this let me know below in the comment section?